Yuletide Festival of Trees at Reading Public Museum

Visit the Reading Public Museum Nov 24- Jan 7 to see our German tree representing the Reading Liederkranz!  The tree was decorated by four of our Ladies Auxiliary members. The Yuletide Festival of Trees representing various cultural organizations runs from Nov 24-Jan 7 at the Reading Public Museum.  Please stop by to see this beautiful array of trees!  A visit from Santa for the kids happens on Sunday, Dec 8th, from 9-11 am at the museum.  Two of our members will again represent the Reading Liederkranz that day.  Thank you to Debbie and Ansel Reinbold and our members for decorating the German style tree!

A big thank you to Ladies Auxiliary member Deborah Reinbold and her son Ansel, who represented us at the RPM for Visit with Santa” at the Festival of Trees!”